Why Buy An Educator Ecollar


All our Ecollar trainers are the latest models and guaranteed to have the latest and most up to date software programmed onto them. Don't get stuck with out of date models from other discount sites. 


With so many different Remote Dog Trainers out there it can become difficult to decide which unit is best for you and your dog. Many times E-Collar Technologies Inc. customers call us and praise not only our product but our love for the animal. Our remote dog trainers are here to assist in training your canine friend, not to hurt them! All of our remote dog trainers from our Mini Educator ET-300TS to our ET-1202UL Hunting Dog Collar are equipped with the most current technology to help the dog understand that not only is it important to listen their owner, but it is the safe way.

Let's face it, many pups even adults may think the best way to visit a squirrel is to run away from their owner, regardless if a vehicle is in their path or not. With E-Collar Technologies units your dog will be responding with clarity and understanding in no time. Our line of Educator Remote Dog Trainers are tried and tested by thousands of satisfied customers, many of whom never thought their prized friend would or could ever be a trained dog!